Information about Me:
My name is Yaiza González Quintana, I´m 30 years old, I was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 1979.
Nowadays I have lived in Ceuta since 2008.
The members of my family are father, mother and the son.
Now I am studying the second year of infant education in the faculty of Ceuta "University of Granada)"
My height is 1´61 metres, I am of medium height. My hair is of brown color , wavy hair and long hair and my eyes are oval and of brown color.
My hobbies are walking and listening to music and my favorite food are ice cream and fish.
My name is Yaiza González Quintana, I´m 30 years old, I was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 1979.
Nowadays I have lived in Ceuta since 2008.
The members of my family are father, mother and the son.
Now I am studying the second year of infant education in the faculty of Ceuta "University of Granada)"
My height is 1´61 metres, I am of medium height. My hair is of brown color , wavy hair and long hair and my eyes are oval and of brown color.
My hobbies are walking and listening to music and my favorite food are ice cream and fish.
My favorite colours are green and violet .
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